Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's the girls' birthday!

Wow, has it been 4 years since I gave birth to my tiny munchkins? Where does the time go? Now I know why my MIL goes on to my hubby about how she gave birth to him, every year on his birthdday. I am reminiscing in my mind of what went on & how lovely the whole experience was & how beautiful they looked when they were in my arms.

The girls were up early with "mommy it's morning time, time to get up & open presents!" So we grudgingly got ready early this morning so they could go open their presents from their birthday party yesterday. They got some great gifts & oh so cute dresses from Marli! Will have to post more about these, but Marli's mom makes these dresses herself & they are just darling!

Talking about MIL, she is coming over today to celebrate the girls birthday. I pray she is in a good mood today as she will be getting the boot out of here early if she starts her complaining today. It is the girls' birthday so I want it to be a happy day for them & for mommy too!

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